Her big girl bed! She loves her toddler bed! When Emmy is ready to get out her crib, we will get Bella a BIG girl bed! She loves being a big girl! This is her toy box and her table and chairs. Above her table are pictures of her cousins, R.J. and Jayden, her sister and mommy and daddy! She loves looking at them. Her books! We put these books away 2 or 3 times a day. She has a shopping cart and she loves to load it up with her books. She loves to read too! She loves books by Sandra Boynton and her Elmo books! She loves playing in her kitchen. We recently brought it up to her room so she could play with it up there. It was downstairs in the playroom but I thought it would be more fun since her table is in her room too. I was right! Here is Isabella's canvas painting my friend Kacie did. Bella's is beautiful! It was Kacie's first one and I think she did a wonderful job!
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