Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Fall Party" at school...

I hate being politically correct because I think it is REDICULOUS!!! is Bella for her Halloween (there, I said it) party at school today. Bella is Snow white this year and I think she is the most beautiful Snow White I ever did see! They had a little parade for the kids and they got candy from somewhere; not really sure where. First they came out class by class and sat down in the foyer part of the building and smiled and stared at all of us parents who were taking pictures and making faces at our kids just to try to get them to smile; how embarrassing! They all looked so cute. Bella was so excited to see me and to show me the bag they made to put all of their candy in. It was really fun! After that, they were oof ont heir parade route and we left. What a great day! Tomorrow will be the real festivities so I will post later about that! Happy trick-or-treating ya'll!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Officially potty trained!

Yes!!!! We did it.... or she did it.... but we helped her!! We are so excited! The chart worked and now she doesn't want to put stickers on it or even want an M&M. She was definitely ready! Hmmm, what will I do with an extra $40 a month???

so sweet!

Today, Bella threw the biggest fit because Sheldon was making her pick up some crayons she had thrown on the floor because she was mad about something. So it was, of course, a long drawn out deal. Later that night we were walking and Sheldon asked Bella...
Daddy: "Are you still mad at me, Bella?"
Bella: "No, I'm not mad at you, I'm happy at you."
We just was so sweet and innocent. I love these little moments!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I believe I mentioned that Emmerson is waving bye-bye a few days ago in another blog. Well, the other day she was mimicking me when I was saying bye-bye to her while waving. Here she is yesterday saying "bye-bye" in Emmy language! ~7 months 1 week old

(mute the music before you play)

something new...

So after our crazy couple of days with Bella and the potty training, I decided what I was doing was NOT working. So, I decided to have her help me make a potty chart. She picked out the paper and ribbon and helped me glue them on the paper. Yesterday was the first day with it and as you can see, she has been doing VERY well. She was rewarded last night with a trip to Monkey Bizness. It is a place where they have a lot of inflatables the kids, and parents, can jump on and go down slides. It is just like Pump It Up for those of you who know what that is. We are now working towards a new toy that will be $10 or less. After that, she gets to eat with the dinosaurs at T-Rex. It is owned by the same people who own Rainforest Cafe. she loves it there. I guess she needs to be rewarded with other things than just 1 M&M for pee pee and 2 M&M's for poo poo. She is doing great and is even going in there without telling me. We are well on our way to saving $40 a month!! YAY!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A day, or night, in the life of a potty trainee...

Middle of the night.......

thinks to herself~ My diaper is full. I need to take it off because it is bothering me. Maybe I will just sleep on the floor tonight just in case I go potty on my beed. I wouldn't want to get that all yucky! Mom and dad won't notice the carpet!

the next morning~ Hmmmm, Emmy's bedroom door is open.
Bella- giggles
Mommy- "Good morning, Bella........Bella, where are your pants and your diaper?
B- "In my room."- proudly
M- "Did you sleep with your diaper off."
B- "Yes I did."
M- "Did you wet your bed?"
B- "No".

A little while later.....
Sheldon- "Bella, gross, you blanket is all wet!" UGH!
B- "Because I just pee'd on it."

A little while later after that....
Mommy- "Bella, where were you sleeping?"
B- "I was sleeping right here." pointing down where she slept that night.

Mommy is sniffing my carpet. I thought only dogs do that! I hope she doesn't find where I went pee pee.

Mommy- "Bella, we DO NOT go pee pee your bedroom floor or anywhere else in the house, is that understood?"
Bella- "That's understood."

The next day in the car, on our way home....

Bella- crying "Mommy, I just went pee pee."
Mommy- "You what? Ok, we will be home in a few minutes. There is nothing I can do right now."

Outside, at home while mommy took my car seat out to clean it.....

Bella- "I have to go pee pee." with a huge smile on her face.
Mommy- "We DO NOT go pee pee outside. Only KC goes pee pee outside. There are boys over there building that house and we don't let boys see us naked. Let's go inside and go potty."

I didn't want to go potty!! So I threw a ginormous fit! I got my way but I am still gonna cry because mommy is taking Emmy outside with her to get my car seat cover. Not fair! Just because I don't have pants on she won't let me go!

After mommy came back in the house I was still in the bathroom screaming and throwing a fit.

Mommy- "BELLA, you know better. You are getting a spankin'." ( yes, I do spank my child.)
We DO NOT pee pee on the floor!"

What's the big deal?

~typed by mommy for Bella

Friday, October 10, 2008


Our pretty little mama will be 7 months on the 14th. It is so hard to believe how quickly time has flown by. "They" always say life goes much faster after having kids and "they" weren't lying. I don't know who "they" is...... just random moms and moms I have known over the years, I guess.
Here are a few things my butterball is doing now. She started army crawling about 1 week ago. Bella did the same thing before she actually crawled on her knees. It is very cute to watch her get from one end of the room to the other. She started waving a few days ago. I was walking towards her as she was sitting in her high chair and she was waving. I started waving back saying hi to her and she just thought that was pretty neat; She was smiling and laughing. It was really sweet. She has also said "mama" before "dada"!! Yay! That's puts a huge smile on my face! She has also officially started teething, we think; ok, maybe she really is. She has had a low grade fever today and has a runny nose while chewing on her fingers. This is about the time Bella started teething too but she did not have any symptoms except for a little diaper rash.........and as I am typing this I am realizing that Emmy, too, has had a little diaper rash that started yesterday. HMMMMMM! I have been giving her tylenol and Sheldon gave her teething tablets this evening while I was gone. She took a 4 hr and 15 minute nap today too! That was nice but I felt so bad. I think it may affect her differently than it did with Bella. Bella cut her 2 year mohlers about 3 months ago and we didn't even know it. One night I was brushing her teeth and I noticed 2 of them and the other 2 cutting through and I asked her if they hurt and she said no. So, this will be a new experience. She had her 6 month check up a few weeks ago and she weighed 16.7 lbs which is in the 75th percentile. For those of you who knew how petite Bella was this is a big difference for us. Bella was 14.5 lbs. at 6 months which was 25%. I know I am comparing them alot but it is so exciting to see how different they are. They are so unique and different in their own way and that is what makes them so special and for that we are very blessed!!

Gone, Baby, Gone!

The ME-MO (pacifier) is G-O-N-E, GONE!!!!! Bella was really sick last weekend with severe cold sores in her mouth so she could not eat, suck or hardly drink for a couple of days. So, we didn't want to miss an opportunity to say sayonara to Mr. Me-Mo!! We just told her that her mouth hurt too bad to suck on them and we never gave them back. She did tell me when her mouth was better that she could have them again and I told her that they went bye-bye and that was the end of that conversation. She has asked a few times for it but we just ask her where they went and she tells us they are gone. Sheldon was really wanting them gone and I was not in a big rush. It didn't bother me as much but now that they are gone, she sleeps better at night and it was not as bad as I thought it would be!! Asta La Vista, BABY!
