Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A day, or night, in the life of a potty trainee...

Middle of the night.......

thinks to herself~ My diaper is full. I need to take it off because it is bothering me. Maybe I will just sleep on the floor tonight just in case I go potty on my beed. I wouldn't want to get that all yucky! Mom and dad won't notice the carpet!

the next morning~ Hmmmm, Emmy's bedroom door is open.
Bella- giggles
Mommy- "Good morning, Bella........Bella, where are your pants and your diaper?
B- "In my room."- proudly
M- "Did you sleep with your diaper off."
B- "Yes I did."
M- "Did you wet your bed?"
B- "No".

A little while later.....
Sheldon- "Bella, gross, you blanket is all wet!" UGH!
B- "Because I just pee'd on it."

A little while later after that....
Mommy- "Bella, where were you sleeping?"
B- "I was sleeping right here." pointing down where she slept that night.

Mommy is sniffing my carpet. I thought only dogs do that! I hope she doesn't find where I went pee pee.

Mommy- "Bella, we DO NOT go pee pee your bedroom floor or anywhere else in the house, is that understood?"
Bella- "That's understood."

The next day in the car, on our way home....

Bella- crying "Mommy, I just went pee pee."
Mommy- "You what? Ok, we will be home in a few minutes. There is nothing I can do right now."

Outside, at home while mommy took my car seat out to clean it.....

Bella- "I have to go pee pee." with a huge smile on her face.
Mommy- "We DO NOT go pee pee outside. Only KC goes pee pee outside. There are boys over there building that house and we don't let boys see us naked. Let's go inside and go potty."

I didn't want to go potty!! So I threw a ginormous fit! I got my way but I am still gonna cry because mommy is taking Emmy outside with her to get my car seat cover. Not fair! Just because I don't have pants on she won't let me go!

After mommy came back in the house I was still in the bathroom screaming and throwing a fit.

Mommy- "BELLA, you know better. You are getting a spankin'." ( yes, I do spank my child.)
We DO NOT pee pee on the floor!"

What's the big deal?

~typed by mommy for Bella


The Guess Family said...

Hang in there! It will probably only take a few days, granted a messy few days! Although, it sounds like she is strong-willed and enjoying the control she has here!

That will be my Reagan....she will be potty trained only when she is ready!!!

I dont' know if you were ready my blog back in our potty training days, but our dog once ate the poop that Addison accidently deposited on the kitchen floor. YUCK!!!
