So, we have another little blessing coming to our house! We are expecting baby #3! It sounds so weird. Last night I was having a really hard time with the thought of having another but as we told our parents and now friends are finding out, the excitement from them is making me excited. I really thought we were done at 2 but God had other plans for us. I did always say I wanted 3 but that was before we had any kids at all. God took that and went with it. That's okay, though. He always, always knows best!
Bella was so cute when we told her. She wasn't quite for sure what I was actually saying but then she started understanding. I have a friend who is pregnant right now so I was telling her that I was going to be like her. After that she understood. She said, "Mommy, I get to hold this baby because Emmerson is too big for me to hold." I told her that she could because she would be almost 4 when this baby came. Then she said with a big smile, " I am going to have 2 babies, mommy!" She was so excited. Everything she said, she got more excited. I think I will have a lot of fun with her during this pregnancy because she understands more this time around.
WOW! 3 babies! Bring it on!!