Speaking of bottoms.......I took the girls to the library last week and we were almost ready to leave. Bella was in front of me and I saw her just staring. I said Bella, "Stop staring, please." She looked at me and said matter a factly, "Mommy, she has a big butt.". I was mortified! I knew someone had to of heard her. I took her aside and told her that saying things like that are not nice and disrespectful. It hurts peoples feelings when we say things like that. The look on her face was a face of remorse so I knew I got my point across. So we were looking at the videos and I am kneeling down and there is this lady by me kneeling next to me looking at the movies. Bella comes over to my ear and whispers, "Mommy, she has a big butt too." What?!?! I leaned into her ear and said firmly, "If I hear that out of your mouth one more time, you will get a spanking!"
So, I guess lesson #1 is that it's okay to say things about others if you whisper it in someones ear so they can't hear you?? Hmmmm.....
Lesson #2....don't give her full view of my butt!!
Your girls are lovely. :)
Great story about Bella. Kids really do say what they observe. I guess that's our sin nature at work, though, to think it's okay as long as the person you're talking about doesn't hear.
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