Thursday, February 21, 2008

Baby Update

I had an U/S and doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Emmerson looked great. She weighs between 6 -7 lbs. Mind you, Bella was 6 lbs. 5 oz. when she was born and we still have 3 weeks until inducement day! The main thing was that her heart was strong and she looks beautiful. I was unable to see my doctor because she was out on a delivery so I saw the nurse lady who is as close to being a doctor as you can get without being one. She checked everything over and was asking me about Braxton Hicks and I mentioned to her that I had them all day on Sunday from morning to night. So she went ahead and checked me and said that I was getting close to a 1. So now I know things are progressing.
Today, oh today, we almost made a trip to the hospital because of contractions. I was nervous because we are still technically 5 weeks out on the actual due date. So I decided to call the doctor but the office was closed until noon due to weather conditions. So we thought we would go ahead and drive to Lee's Summit since it is 30 minutes away and would probably take us double the time since the roads were so bad. When Sheldon got home and got a bag packed and I got a bag packed for Bela, they conveniently stopped and I haven't had them since. I was thankful on one hand because I am not ready to bring this baby home but on the other hand, I want her out!! So we will see what happens the next 3 weeks. I hope I go before I have to be induced because labor won't be as intense but the thought of not knowing when it could happen frightens me a bit. Anyway, baby is still in my belly and active as can be.
The same day I had a doctors appointment, I took Bella to the doctor and she has an ear infection. We just cannot stay healthy. There is so much going around that it is nearly impossible to avoid. I did get some medicine from the nurse, so hopefully that will get rid of my almost 5 week cough. Ahhhh! Will things ever be calm anymore??? I am guessing no. I just need to take that deep breath whenever I get a chance. Breathe in aaannnnnddddd breathe out. Ahhhh, much better!


Shirley Casey said...

I love to look at the blog...even if I have already heard it all. :O) I think it is so fun. I am praying for you guys to get well. This has been a really bad year for sicknesses. You all need to get better so you have energy to have this baby and take care of her when you get home!
