Friday, February 15, 2008

Been a while... I have been really bad the last few weeks about updating our blog. Between Bella and I being sick, to Shirley coming to visit and not to mention being 8 months pregnant, this has been the last thing on my mind. When Bella is sleeping, I am sleeping because I am exausted and I know that in 4 weeks I might not be able to take that nap like I would like. So, here is a quick update.

Isabella's vocabulary is becoming more and more adult like. The other day we were at JCPenney's and we were looking at baby clothes. She grabbed something and said, "Mommy, this adorable. It's cute." It was very sweet. I guess maybe she hears that alot. Her new word is "we-ever", interpreted- WHATEVER! She likes to tease and and say something is "pink when it's really blue". So I got to the point where I would say, "whatever, it's pink" or "whatever you say". Now she will say:

B- "Mommy it's pink"

M- "No Bella, that's blue."

B- "We-ever, it's pink."

It's amazing the things they choose to repeat back. She is sooo much fun right now but we have also been dealing with the attitude of a 2 year old. We are in that stage of life in full force. I have really been learning how to pick my battles because if I didn't, I would be telling her no or sending her to timeout all day. It is challenging at times especially when I am not feeling my best. We are planning her little birthday party. The theme is going to be Elmo because she LOVES Elmo. I just can't believe she is going to be 2! It goes by too fast!! Growing up and even now I have always heard how we are here on earth only for a fraction of time because we will be in Heaven for an eternity. Having kids really puts that into perspective for me because it goes by so fast and they are grown before you know it. It makes me want to cherish each moment and makes me feel guilty when I don't.

Turning 30 also put that into perspective for me. Yes, 30!! I always thought it was sooo old. Now that I am here, I am excited to be 30. I have learned a lot in my twenties and am sort of glad those years are over. I look forward to my 30's. We had a big fiesta at our new house. A lot of friends and family had not seen our new home so we had a Birthday Party/ Housewarming Party. There were between 50-60 people here including a lot of little one's. It was fun but it will be a while before something like that takes place in our house again.

I am trying to get things done before Emmerson gets here. We are slowly getting a few things that we will need. (Jill~ I will be ordering her Allyzabba soon!!) Thanks to Shirley, I have new, pretty burpcloths, a Rock-A-Bye and few other things. It's fun geting new things but we have so many things from Bella that we do not need to get. The most important thing being clothing. Thank goodness they are 2 years and 10 days apart. That is saving us a lot of money!

Anyway, not much else going on. I will make sure to keep up so I don't have to do this long drawn out blog next time. Until next time......


Anonymous said...

that is a really cute picture.

Anonymous said...

Gee Laura, is this cute little "tude" of Bella's payback? Ha! What a sweet photo. So..what is needed for Emmy? Clothes? Hang in there girl! Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

That last comment is from Ashley by the way. How do I list my name on here? Im not too savvy with this sort of stuff! :)

Shirley Casey said...

Love the picture! It completely shows off Bella's little personality! I love the we-ever too. She said that a few times when I was there. Ohhhh it all begins. I do have to say that I was so impressed with your consistency and patience (especially given the circumstances) with her. You are such a good mommy!
