Saturday, January 19, 2008

An end to the story...

Yea! After tears and frustration yesterday it is all over. It had crossed my mind yesterday that my cousin Greg could be pulling my chain because he is a jokester but didn't think twice about it. I got a call from my mom saying the same thing so I decided to get to the bottom of it all and call the one person who can't lie to me...GRANDMA!! I called her and she couldn't lie to her "favorite" grandaughter and thank goodnes!! She informed me that Greg felt really bad and that he was going to call me. We ended up talking and I had to give it to him because he got me! I could be upset or laugh about it and I choose to laugh and be relieved that Ethan's real name is not Emerson!! (BIG sigh)


Shirley Casey said...

Oh my gosh! That is a mean joke! And to not tell your right away that he is just kidding! Wow! Well, I am glad that it worked out. Either way, I still love Emerson's name no matter who else has it. :O)

Anonymous said...

She looks like a cat to me, are you sure this yours? Anonymous in Oak Grove

Anonymous said...

sweet laura, you make me laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura,

I am amazed that you left comments from someone who is wanting to remain anonymous on your blog site. I am not offended by what anyone would say, but they should atleast have some bravery when gossiping. I am sure that Grandma would not like the post if she read it herself.

