Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sweet Emmy

Emmerson loves to sing and she loves to sing to her baby. She is really starting to remind me of Bella whe she was this age. She is very nurturing and loves to love on her babies. I would like to think they learned it from their mommy...


Lizz said...

So adorable, they MUST have learned it from their loving mama! xooox

Jen Stewart Photography said...

SO CUTE!!! Bella loves her baby's and singing too, it's so fun to watch your kids play and listen to them.

Oh and Emmy pulling the clothes out is SOOOOOO Bella! She does that all the time! her clothes are all on shelves in her closet, which means they always end up on the floor ;-)

sooooo, I gotta ask, did you teach her how to "gently" set down her babies? ;-) hahaha
