Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So much time....

There has been so much time that has passed since I have blogged. Why??? Life has been busy. And....I have spent way too much time on FACEBOOK! I know! I need to get away from that a bit. It is a little addicting. I figured I should start back up because life has taken an interesting turn these lst couple of days and would love to share them with you. I first want to share what has been going on with the girls. They are all gfrown up, or at least they think they are.
Sweet Isabella- My little nurterer who doesn't want to hurt people's feelings and wants everyone to get along. She loves to sing, dance, dress up, put on make-up, play mommy and baby, listen to "her" music, go to Cubbies (AWANA), play with her best friends, talk on the phone, being a big sister and be with mommy and daddy. She is becoming quite the little lady. She is still 3 with a 3 year old antics but is so much fun to be with! She says the darndest things; some I am not able to share. Here is one little story that still has me laughing.

We were in the car getting ready to pull out of a BBQ place and take dinner home to Sheldon and Emmy and from the back seat I hear....

Bella: Mommy, you're stupid.

Mommy: Excuse me? We do not call anyone stupid. I don't want to hear that come out of your mouth again. It makes Jesus sad when we talk like that.

B:(looking up in the sky) Did he hear me?

M: Yes Bella, Jesus hears everything we say. He even hears the things we don't say.

A couple of nights after she spent the night at my in laws. Before bed, Mema was playing with her and all of the sudden a little voice says......

Bella: (smiling) Mema, you're stupid.

Mema: Bella, that's not nice to say.

B: Did mommy hear me?

M: She sure did!!

I love the way she (Bella) thinks!!! So pure and real!

Sweet Emmerson- She really is sweet and still loves to cuddle but she has become our more aggressive kid. She is a very physical little girl. She is also VERY loud!! She has the middle child role played out really well. She loves to, dance, sing, dress up, eat, watch movies, play with the baby dolls and the stroller, play in the play kitchen, talk on the phone, play with her friends and torment her big sister she also loves her big sister. She is at a very funny age right now. She loves the attention we give her when she is being silly. A lot of jibberish comes out of her mouth with words that we do understand. We are starting to understand her so much more every week. There are some things she says I don't think I want to know. We love our little Emmy!

As for the third.......we had our first ultra sound 4 weeks ago and the baby did not cooperate. Sheldon said to me, "Maybe this is God's way of saying we should wait." If you know me evry well, you know I am a planner and like to know what's going on. I told him, knowing the chances of not fiding out again were slim to none, " Ok, if we can't find out next time, I will surely consider it. " Ha Ha! God has a ery good sense of humor! Yesterday we had another u/s and low and behold the baby was in the same exact position as the last time. She really tried to ge tit to move but this baby was not budging. I was devastated and so sad. I really wanted to find out what the sex of this baby was and there was nothing I could do about it. So I went home knowing in 4 weeks there would be another chance. Then I started thinking, maybe this is God's wasy of saying to us that this baby was a surprise anyway, why not make it the ultimate surprise. So long story/thoughts short, we have decided to wait until this baby is born. I really can't believe I am doing this but I am extremely excited to wait! Sheldon would have done this with the first but I couldn't imagine not knowing. Now, things have changed.
At 24 weeks things are great and baby is healthy. No complications and we expect to keep it that way! Baby is not as active as the other 2 were which makes me want to believe it won't be as active out of the womb; at least that is what I am hoping for. So, that is the latest on all 3 children! I will do my best to keep up on this blog! I really do miss it! Take care!


Lizz said...

Your kiddos are both adorable! I love the Bella story especially. I think it is wonderful you decided to wait, its such a HUGE surprise and one totally worth waiting for!!! We found out with the twins, I just had to. But waiting with our third was the best. I know it will drive you nuts sometimes, it did me anyway....but you won't be sorry you waited! What a wonderful moment it will be for you and Sheldon....congrats on such a relaxed and healthy baby!! You are more than half way there! XOOOX
