Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was such a treat this year. Katelynn was dedicated at church and we had both our parents there plus my grandparents and Sheldon's grandparents on his dads side. We also had my aunt and uncle from Texas there. After church everyone, except my aunt and uncle, came over for lunch. It was low key and so much fun. Emmy and Bella put on a concert with their karaoke machine singing Go Fish and Brandon Heath. We are so blessed to have such a great family! Hope all the other mommies had a great Mother's Day.

*The picture is of my grandma holding Kate, me and Bella and my mom and Emmy. 4 generations!

Thursday, May 6, 2010



“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” ~Phillipians 4:6

Dear family and friends, April 2010

Some of you are finding out for the first time that we had another baby. We like to call Katelynn Jo our “unexpected blessing”. We did not plan on having anymore children after Emmerson but God had another plan for us. We fully accept the challenge of having 3 girls all within 4 years of each other! (ahhhhh!)

We started 2010 off by expanding our family from 4 to 5! What a joy Kate has been. Big sisters, Isabella and Emmerson, love her to pieces. Bella loves to kiss her, hug her and hold her. Emmy is a great big sister when she is not pulling her hair or poking an eye; she is still adjusting to the fact that she has to share mommy. Emmy has also given Kate her first nickname; “Baby Cake”. We find ourselves calling her that and we laugh. It will be so fun to watch them grow up together, play together, and even have some squabbles; as long as they always kiss and make up. We are blessed to have 3 healthy beautiful girls.

About 2 weeks after we had Kate, Sheldon found out he had till the end of March, approx. 6 weeks, to find a new job. It was a little scary. So, Sheldon kicked it into high gear and had a lot of interviews in a very short amount of time. We prayed God would provide what we needed and trusted that he would. 2 weeks later he started a new position as a Sales Marketing Executive for LabCorp. God provided what we needed and then some. We were reminded that God wants so much more for us than we want for ourselves and if we are faithful he gives us much more than we are expecting. God does things better than we do. We are thankful, excited, relieved and blessed for this new job!

Back in September of 2009, Sheldon and his friend, Matt, ran and rode across the state of Missouri in 4 days and finished at The Arch in St. Louis. It was 285 miles; 60 of it they ran and 225 were spent riding their bikes. They called it The Show-Me Challenge put on by the two of them to launch a new website they created called Not only were they launching Challenge Factor they were also raising money for the Touched By Cancer Foundation here in Kansas City. Little did we know that 6 months later we would be “touched by cancer.” Sheldon’s dad, Jonathan, was diagnosed with a Grade 4 brain tumor. He had surgery in March to remove a large mass on the right side of his brain and is now undergoing chemo and radiation to stop the growth of another tumor on the left side of his brain. We are hopeful and prayerful during this time and ask that you would keep Jonathan, Denise (Sheldon’s mom), Sheldon and Jamie (brother) in your prayers.

At the top of the front page there is a verse. We have this on our refrigerator so we see it everyday. We have had an eventful year so far and this verse has given us a reassurance of the things God is doing in our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 is another verse that has reassured us and given us hope. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” He does have a plan and we are fully ready to accept the challenges and joys he has in store for us.

We hope this finds you and your family healthy and happy. We have a website that has updates and pictures of the girls that we would love for you to check out. They are growing way too quickly!

God Bless you and Happy 2010!!


The Nadeau Family

-Sheldon, Laura, Isabella, Emmerson and Katelynn

* This was a letter we sent out with Kate's announcement. I thought I would share it on here.

Monday, May 3, 2010


As I was praying with Bella before she went to bed I prayed for God to protect us from evil and to help us have good dreams...etc. After I was done Bella asked me why I asked God to protect us from evil. I have always talked to her about God and Jesus but have never brought Satan in the picture. I figured in due time she would ask me. Well, tonight was that night. I told her I prayed that so God would keep Satan away from us. She asked who Satan was and I told her he was the most beautiful angel there was and he went against God so he wasn't able to live in heaven anymore. She asked me where he lived and if he lived in our house or outside. I told her that he lived in Hell. "What's hell", she asked. Deep Breath, "Well, hell is a place where people go when they don't have Jesus in their heart. It is a very hot fiery place. Satan likes when we do naughty things."
"Did he like it when I screamed at daddy? Was he laughing?"
"Yes he did like it and I am sure he was laughing. Do you think it's funny when we act like that?"
"That's why we have Jesus in our heart to help us make the right choices. God helps us do that."
"Mommy, do you have Jesus in your heart?"
"Yes I do!"
"Do I have Jesus in my heart?"
"Not yet, but you will someday soon!"

I cannot tell you the joy in my heart having this conversation with my 4 year old!! She is so inquisitive and I feel like she is starting to get it. I just pray over her little soul!! There was definitely more than this during our conversation but I just had to share this little part. We talked for about 10 or 15 minutes and she was full of questions. More than she ever has had before. I am excited for the day I can get on here and tell you all that my daughter accepted Christ in her life!! My heart is so happy!!


My dad and Bella were playing Dora Candy Land one night and Bella landed on the peanuts. Bella says to my dad, " Papa, I landed on the peanuts. Boys have peanuts and girls have vagina's." My dad buried his head laughing hysterically. What does a papa say to that?!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sweet Greats!

Oh how I LOVE this picture! This is my Grandma and Grandpa Finley; they are my mom's parents. Words cannot express how much these two people mean to me. The girls really love them too. They are called Grandma and Grandpa- Great to the great-grandchildren. The night this picture was taken, we walked into the house and Emmy yells out, "HI, GATE (great)!" It definitely made their night. We love out Greats!!

*side note- My grandpa and I share the same birthday; Isabella shares my grandma's birthday and also her middle name which is Chloe; pronounced Chlo. That makes it more special!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our girls...

loving~ fighting~ hugging~ pinching~ kissing~ pulling hair~ sharing~ not sharing
having each other's back when it counts...
that's what sisterhood is made of!

Baby "Cake"

Babies take some odd photos sometime. I found this one very funny! It looks like she is using some karate moves. "Watch out or I'll kick that camera out of your hands!"
Making her smile is very easy to do. She is so easy going and I can already tell she is going to be our little one that will make sure we are all happy and the one that is very sensitive. After all, she is the baby.
Her eyes are also piercing blue! I never imagined having a blue eyed baby because the other 2 have big brown eyes like me. So glad that she is different in that way. Ahhh, she makes me so happy!

Bella's New Bed!

We finally got Bella her new bed( no more toddler bed)...well, it's actually my old daybed that is hers now. We couldn't find the screws to the bed so we had to use the trundle. We were so excited to go get her new bedding and get it all together that we forgot to make sure we still had all the parts. Sheldon still needs to make a trip to the hardware store!
We got her bedding at HOME GOODS! LOVE that store!! When I saw it, I knew it was perfect for her. She loves it and is so proud! We are proud of her too!!
This was a sweet moment I was able to capture. Sheldon was gone one night and I had to get Emmy to bed. So, I decided to put Kate in bed with Bella because Kate was just wanting to be near someone. When I walked back in, this was the picture. Kate ended up falling asleep in Bella's bed and then I moved her to her own. Bella is such a good big sister!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Getting Crafty!

These are the shirts I made for the girls birthday party. We had it at Monkey Bizness and had a blast. My camera went dead so I didn't get any pictures. I am waiting from friends and family to share their pictures with me!! Anyone, anyone?!?!

Random Pictures

Bella was playing with her Barbie pool and I put water in it. She thought she needed her suit on too! There was snow on the ground outside and it was cold! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
Bella and her cousin, Jayden, playing outside at Mema and Papa's house!
Driving the Mini Cooper!
Papa Johnny making snowballs for Emmy. This was our last snow of the season.....we hope!
I think this picture is hilarious! Emmy has short sleeves on, standing in and eating snow with a beach ball next to her! Gotta love Kansas City!!

Easter 2010

Coloring Easter eggs with their cousin, Jayden.
The girls with Mema and Papa White after church.
Emmy finding one of her eggs!
Bella searching for her eggs!
It is so weird to see five of us in this picture. I am still getting used to the idea of being a mom of 3. I definitely wouldn't trade it because Baby Cake (that's what Emmy calls her) is a gem!! Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The girls

Katelynn has figured out she likes her pacifier. I am glad because it pacifies her so we don't have to hold her all the time, thus the name 'pacifier'! She gets very intense with it sometimes, like she can't suck hard enough.

Already looking up to her older sister, Bella!
My new favorite picture of my three girls!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow!

Emmy and Bella
I love this picture! She is so stinkin' cute!
Bella was mad because there wasn't much snow on the ground. I told her to wait until tomorrow when we are supposed to get a big snow storm!
Emmy enjoying the snow she could find to eat!
Bella got over being mad and started running around our yard! She ran for a good 5 minutes. I don't know where she gets her energy.
We have had so much snow this winter! Today was not too cold so I told the girls we could go out and play. It has been too cold to go out and play so it has been a VERY long winter. Cannot wait for spring to come!!

Valentines Day

I wanted to do something special for the girls for V-day because I wanted to let them know how special they still are even though we have a new baby here that is taking so much of mommy's attention. They were so excited to see the balloons, new plates, placemats, candles, and heart candy. I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast and told them how much I loved them. As you can see, they were all smiles. Mission accomplished!

Our newest little Valentine....

Katelynn Jo was born on January 14, 2010. She was 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 3/4 inches long. We were so happy to hear we were having a girl! We don't have to add toys to the house! Her sisters love her; sometimes a little too much! She is a good baby but is going through wanting to be held all the time. It gets a bit tricky but we are managing. She sleeps pretty well but every now and then she wants to get up at 3am and stay up for about 2 hours. That always catches up with me the next day. Katie Jo...our sweet baby girl!
Very proud mommy!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

NEW PICTURES COMING SOON! I am a very busy mom of 3 now! Will post VERY soon! Love to ALL!
